Recommendations For Model GPS Monitoring Legislation
Model legislation authorizing GPS monitoring must center on the organizing principle of victim safety. The key component of legislation is its responsiveness to the likelihood of increased danger that a batterer poses to the victim once the crime has been reported or alleged in the context of a civil proceeding. Set forth below are recommended features of such a statute;
Law enforcement officers responding to any call involving a domestic incident should assess the potential lethality of the situation through the use of an approved dangerousness assessment and risk-management protocol to evaluate the risk of escalating violence in the situation.
Upon reviewing conditions of dangerousness posed by a person alleged to have committed any type of domestic assault, a judge may, in her discretion, require the use of GPS electronic monitoring of an alleged offender as a condition of bail.
A judge may order a domestic violence offender to be placed on GPS electronic monitoring to augment and help enforce the terms of an order of protection.
A judge may furnish the domestic violence victim with a protective tracking device that informs the victim if the offender breaches impermissible geographic zones.
Upon a showing of dangerousness, an alleged offender can be held until a hearing before a judge, in order to prevent re-assault opportunities and to protect the victim pending trial.
The state may not use information gained through the use of GPS monitoring of domestic violence offenders for purposes unrelated to the domestic assault.