
Since immediately following Cindy's death, The Cynthia L. Bischof Memorial Foundation has been catalyst for legislative and societal change.
To promote leading visionary ideas through disruptive thinking which provide meaningful safeguards to protect victims of domestic violence.
We have supported the existing network of those who are already serving victims of domestic violence. These organizations primarily include WINGS (http://www.wingsprogram.com/about.htm), SHALVA (www.shalvaonline.org) and the Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women’s Network (www.batteredwomensnetwork.org). We cannot say enough about the tremendous caring, support, and opportunity these organizations have given us to present our message and cast our vision to others. We have, and forever will be, grateful for their generosity. We are excited about continuing our work with them, as well as other organizations, now and in the future.
In 2008, our first initiative was to establish "The Cindy Bracelet"-a GPS-based monitoring device to be worn by violators of orders of protection enabling victims and others-such as family members and friends-to have safe zones. In the event that a perpetrator approaches the safe zone, authorities, as well as victims and their families, are notified immediately through text messaging or voice alerts to their phones or pagers. "The Cindy Bracelet" is a critical measure to save others from meeting Cindy's fate. It is also an important means to honor Cindy as she had identified the need for such a GPS device during one of her many court appearances. Thank you for your support and energy. Join us in leading the change that Cindy wanted to see in the world.
Thank you for your support and energy. Join us in leading the change that Cindy wanted to see in the world.